Monday, May 18, 2009

Obama at Notre Dame

Notre Dame.....a Catholic university invited President Obama to their commencement speech yesterday. As it is well known, the Catholics are firmly against abortion and Obama is firmly for it. Many protesters gathered at the scene protesting against abortion towards both the university and Obama. There were more than 300 protesters, including Norma McCorvey, the plaintiff identified as "Roe" in the Roe v. Wade Supreme Court decision that legalized abortion. She is now against abortion and was there to help in the protest. There were 27 people who were arrested and are probably spending the only type of night you can enjoy in jail. :)

My favorite part.....when a protester yelled out during the speech "stop killing our children" many of the students began chanting "yes we can, yes we can". In answer to that, Obama said "Americans must be able to deal with things that make them "uncomfortable."" Uncomfortable? Ummmm, yea being dead would maybe be uncomfortable(for the babies). Or killing children. Or having to deal emotionally with the after effects of an abortion. Uncompfortable is not the word to use. Maybe angry, confused, upset, and wondering where the world this guy got his odd thoughts.

Good grief. Uncomfortable? Is that all he thinks abortion is?


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